Daily Archive: September 19, 2014

Sep 19

Spectrum of 133Cs in an inhomogeneous gel

The routine EnsembleAverage may be used to generate arbitrary distributions of nuclear spin interactions. In an example posted on the forum, I used EnsembleAverage to generate the spectrum of 133Cs (I=7/2) in an inhomogeneous gel. The same notebook includes a simulation of quadrupolar echoes in spin-7/2 with curious fractional timings.

Sep 19

Simulating chemical exchange in an AB spin system

At the present time, the case of spin systems experiencing chemical exchange cannot be handled entirely within the architecture of SpinDynamica. However, it is possible to build upon SpinDynamica to handle chemical exchange. I have posted an example file on the forum showing how to simulate an AB spin system of two spins-1/2 experiencing chemical …

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